saat-saat indah di pertengahan..

we are ::

On Sunday morning , all the students of 9E and 9F grader were gathered at the school . We would go to Widya Wisata . Before we started we must gather first . We must wait a minute for Mr.Bagio . Fortunately , Mr.Bagio had come and gave an instruction for Widya Wisata and took a pray .

in front of SEMPESARA or SMP 1 Jepara

After all of student were ready , we set outfrom the school .. oh , wonderful ! we went to widya wisata by “dokar” . We were very happy but the dokar was not comfortable for emi , she always made a noise T.T

Varra and N-ky ascend the DOKAR :))

At the first moment , we visited a Mantingan Mosque . All of us prayed for dhuha and istighosah at the musque . After we finished to pray and istighosah we began to take some pictures about a relief . The mosque was very beautiful and wonderful .

when students did istigosah, we did not participate, but took a pictures

haha :D

*girls who wear the veil is Maudy, N-ky's girlfriend

At the second moment , we visited a relief of mulyoharjo street . To the Mulyoharjo we also went by the dokar . There is a lot of different kinds of wood carvings . We were very impressed to see it . We interviewed two exiting craftmen around it , to get information and make a Widya Wisata report . Of many kinds wood carvings , we were only interested in carving “a sad face” and “an amazing large tree roots” . After we got the information , we needed to go to object .

a sad face :'(

an amazing large tree roots

It is not far long before we arrived at the third object “Gudang Sawo” . There is a house that is very beautiful carvings and has three dimensions . We asked someone who make a picture a very good wall , every detail we asked him . It made him full of patience for good result and high priced . After that , we went to the fourth object immediately , because it was getting hot .

Ramayana story

After that we got to the fourth object “Museum Kartini” . There are things that have historical objects of our heroes “Ibu kita KARTINI” . There we were guided by a guide who really know the history about “Mrs.Kartini” . All of us shared a brief history of the birth and life of the mother was still alive Kartini long .

the guide gave intructions

Our class president is a little crazy :b

his name is Sabiludyn Raka Pradikta

In every room there were many heritage museum which in former times used by kartini and hisfamily . The most amazing , we saw the skeleton of a “Joko Tuwo” . It is very large fish .

*sorry , i did'nt take the Joko Tuwo pictures

After we were satisfied walking around at “Museum Kartini” . We went to the square park to take rest immediately .There we ate meatballs together, it was a very exciting day .. I think I would miss that day when we parted later . Then , we came home each ..

*widya wisata aims to let the students know the culture of Jepara

*taken from the English task of class 9f

( N-ky , Varra , Emmy , LOU )

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